
DOT, EPA, NHTSA and other government stupidity... NO SUVs

Ever wonder why there are double standards? Passenger vehicles are required to meet strict standards for emissions and safety. They also get penalized for consuming too much fuel (gas guzzler tax). Manufacturers must meet CAFE standards for their entire line. Trucks, in particular those that are used to haul passengers and make up >50% of new vehicle sales, on the other hand only have to meet inferior emissions and safety standards. They also have a separate CAFE standard and do not get penalized for being gas guzzlers. Trucks are also one of the highest profit items for car manufacturers. I guess we know where the government interest really is, not in your safety, fuel conservation or air quality.


This is the latest hot subject for the safety fanatics. IMHO they fall in the same category as previous knee jerk reactions; 55 MPH, 85 MPH Joan Claybrook memorial speedometers, and the 1st generation air bags designed to save a 200+ pound male too stupid to wear a seat belt (oh they may maim or kill women and children, oops, sorry... :-( ). All of these items, including DRLs, fail to have any unbiased scientific proof of their value...

I'm sure we've all been annoyed by DRL equipped vehicles, especially Saturns and  Chevy trucks equipped with high beam DRLs. I won't do any more venting here but instead will list some links. Yes they are anti DRL, but you already know that's my opinion :-)

I urge you to check the facts. Afterwards if you have a strong opinion, write your representatives, NHTSA and even the auto makers.


send DRL comments to:
     US DOT, NHTSA     
     Docket  4124
     400 Seventh St. SW    
     Washington, DC  20590
or http://dms.dot.gov for electronic submission, no cost 
 (try Unregistered User Submissions, and paste a file?)

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